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Good Morning Texas airs 
Mondays from 9 am - 10 am on WFAA-TV Channel 8 DFW
July 20, 2009 on Good Morning Texas
Julie Chrystyn
©2009 Pat Smith Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved. Contact: info@treasureyou.orgmailto:info@treasureyou.orgshapeimage_16_link_0
About Julie Chrystyn
New York Times Best Selling Author of the “Secret to Life Transformation”

Julie’s book consists of stories of twelve different influential people, including Jacqueline Jakes (Bishop T.D. Jakes' sister), Paula White, David Foster, John Paul DeJoria, Dr. Patch Adams, Judge Sol Wachter, José Eber, Paul Anka and others. It's a compelling blend of practical wisdom and odds-defying life experiences that shows the reader how to create a vision for his or her life and how to make that vision a reality -- regardless of circumstances or environment.   
With a forward by Larry King, the twelve powerful chapters instruct readers how to transform their lives. Each chapter is followed by an extraordinary person recounting how he or she has used the principles described in this book to create positive change. The unprecedented and eclectic collection of individuals - from a hairdresser who became a household name to a dirt-poor African-American kid who became a U.S. Supreme Court judge - shows how individuals from all walks of life, and no privilege, created a vision for their life and not only succeed but far exceeded their wildest dreams. The Secret to Life Transformation instructs and challenges people to do the same.http://www.juliechrystyn.com/shapeimage_17_link_0
Melani Ismail, Community Treasure
(click for show details) 
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Nancy Lieberman, Olympic Legend
(click for show details) 
Pam Eudaric-Amiri, Chocolate Secrets
(click for show details) 
Carmen Studer, OneHeart Producer
(click for show details) 

Julie Chrystyn and her husband Dwight D. Opperman with Jacqueline Jakes. also a guest on “Treasure You”

Upcoming Shows
July 27- Jacqueline Jakes
August 3- Dee Lincoln
Dr. Kathryn Waldrep. MD
(click for show details) 
July 20- Pat Smith interviews Julie Chrystyn about her book, the “Secret to Life Transformation”