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Pat Smith talks with Blair Griffith, Miss Colorado USA 2011 about being homeless, her trip to Dallas and what is in store for her future

About this Video
You would never know it by looking at her, but since Blair Griffith won Miss Colorado USA in October, she has been homeless and living from house-to-house where basic needs such as food are a real concern. Her father passed away from cancer several years ago and her mother has a heart condition that has created her recent financial distress. Recently, she lost her job at Saks Fifth Avenue because the branch closed due to the poor economy and she has no means to provide any support for herself and her sick mother without assistance. Facing all of this hardship, Blair is still driven to reach for her dreams.

When I heard about the incredible hardship that Blair is currently facing, I was compelled to help her. My mother passed away from breast cancer the year that I competed in the 1994 Miss USA Pageant so I really felt a connection to Blair’s difficult circumstances. After reaching out to her, I brought together my resources to fly her to Dallas in order to help her prepare for the pageant.

Our “Treasure You” team provided 3 intense days of training and included Donna Richardson Joyner (fitness), Ramona Logan (interview skills), Abi Ferrin & Jennifer Cloutier (fashion), Paris Payne and Cotia Woods (hair), Bridget Washington (make-up) and Cathy Moffitt (leadership & spiritual development). There was an amazing outpouring of love and support from numerous other “Treasure You” friends especially Sue Gragg, Leslie Matney, Sam and Sandra Moon, Sennora Brown, Tina Moore, Sara Madsen Miller, Millicent Finney, Kris Tyler, Lara Ashmore and ASAP Transportation. It was a fabulous and heart-warming experience that none of us will ever forget.  If you would like to make a donation to Blair, click here. 

Blair’s official Website is: www.misscoloradousa.com.https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=5XUXLKGV8BS3E&lc=US&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedhttp://www.misscoloradousa.comshapeimage_17_link_0shapeimage_17_link_1

Treasure You Webisodes

Blair and Pat on a shopping spree at Sam Moon

Blair getting fitness tips from Donna Richardson Joyner

Blair being styled by Abi Ferrin

Blair’s “Treasure You” Experience in Dallas

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about Blair and Pat